Am I responsible for what happens in the world?

Am I responsible for what happens in the world?In The Valkyries, Paolo Coelho says:

We are responsible for everything that happens in this world. We are the warriors of the light. With the strength of our love and of our will, we can change our destiny, as well as the destiny of others.

As I read this, I thought about what it means to be responsible for everything that happens in the world. Knowing that we are responsible is not a condemnation, nor is it an accolade. It is an acknowledgement that we are all connected and that our thoughts and actions have meaning in the world beyond the minute space that we occupy. Just reading that statement: “We are responsible for everything that happens in this world” opens up a channel of communication and connection. All of a sudden, my personal space opens up and beams out to the world. What I do and don’t do. What I say and don’t say. What I feel and don’t feel. What I am and what I am not. All resonate in the world.

First and foremost, I am responsible for what happens in my world. In the world of my own private thoughts. In my own self chosen beliefs. In the reality that I create for myself moment by moment. If you want to change anything in the world, start with yourself. If you want more kindness in the world, start by being kind to yourself. If you want more love in the world, start by loving yourself more. If you want peace in the world, be at peace with yourself. And watch what happens as your kindness, love and peace emanate into the world around you.

If you feel that you cannot change, ask yourself if you are making the world responsible for what happens in you. Are you believing that you need the world to change before you do? Even the you who you were a moment ago is part of the world. Do you believe you need that version of yourself to change before you can change? What about the future you? Are you believing the future you has to change first? There is only one place where you can take responsibility for anything – and that is in this very moment. In the Now of your life. Isn’t that a relief?!!

To your happiness, Wendy Dolber